Wednesday, September 21, 2011

STAR GATE to 9/11: The CIA STAR GATE Collection Files

Thirty four years and millions of dollars later, CIA documents reveal the amazing success and dismal failures of the STAR GATE program, the formerly top secret intelligence agency programs used to "remote view" information that couldn't be accessed by any normal means of collection. STARstream Research has uncovered new files strongly suggesting that America's psychic intelligence agents were picking up information warning of the rise of Usama bin Ladin and the devastating attacks of September 11, 2001. The latest finds include a CIA released DIA document that identifies "Project 911" and drawings that strongly resemble Usama bin Ladin before and after the 9/11 attacks. You can view some of the original documents here at the STARstream Research web site.

STAR GATE files pointing to the 9/11 events are only the beginning. According to British author and filmmaker Jon Ronson, following the 9/11 attacks, psychic Uri Geller was reactivated into the ranks of intelligence agency psychic spies. The 'spooky' spooks are likely used to track the movement of terrorists and weapons of mass destruction.

We have compiled images from CIA-released STAR GATE documents about the CIA and DIA remote viewers, also known as "psychic-spy" sources tasked to use AMP -- anomalous mental phenomena -- to access information not available to ordinary senses. Most of the documents presented here were classified SECRET prior to their release following Congressionally mandated review.